Fallout 4 burst fire
Fallout 4 burst fire

So, you're more of a collector than a mutant, but I suppose a violent scavenger hunt isn't such a terrible thing. You have to go out into the world and kill enemies, which have a chance (standard enemies have a low chance, and bosses have a high chance) of a containing random mutant power. There's a bit of a downside in that you don't just get to pick and choose which powers you want to play with. Clairvoyance (see enemies through walls).Vortex (a wormhole that explodes near enemies).

fallout 4 burst fire

I have the vending machine but don't see the item. In Gunsmith Addition description it states you can buy an aid item from the vending machine that lets you hotswap between a rifle and it's underbarrel attachment.

fallout 4 burst fire

  • Earth manipulation (stagger enemies with a quake) Modern Firearms.Swap between rifle and underbarrel.
  • Umbrakinesis (become a scary shadow monster).
  • fallout 4 burst fire

    Weather control, including wind blast attack.

    Fallout 4 burst fire